Japan is known for a few things; interesting architecture, samurais, historical wars, the Yakuza, and hot Japanese women. While all these trademarks are exciting to tourists, foreign men prefer to go there for the women, and we do not blame them. These ladies are unlike any other, and many reasons support this claim. Relax and enjoy the ride if you are one of these foreign men and want to check out Japan to find the woman of your dreams.
What Are Japanese Women Like?
Japanese women have certain physical and personality traits that make them the top choice among men. To start dating Japanese women, you must acclimate yourself to who and how they are so that you know what you expect from them. We have divided this part into subsections to make it easier for you to navigate.

Women of Japan are easy on the eyes, which is why many foreign men like them. Here are some of their physical features which show these traits:
They have skin like porcelain
When you see the skin of a Japanese woman, you are almost scared to touch it because of its spotless and fragile appearance. Their skin looks and feels like glass, which is rare in the western world. This physical trait is down to their great genes, which explains why foreign men want Japanese ladies.
They have long back silky hairs
Japanese women spend time taking care of their hair so it comes out looking silky and smooth. It is also so straight that you could almost count the strands when the wind blows them. They also use hair products that make their hair healthy. The quality and style of their hair have influenced many women in Africa and around the world to use hair extensions to mimic them.
They are smallish
Women in Japan are not tall or big. Their petite physical appearance makes them look as cute as a button. They also make for the perfect arm candy. It’s also one of the reasons they are sought-after, as shorter men don’t have to worry about the height-related dynamics of being with them.
They have enchanting eyes
Japanese girls have eyes you could get lost in. They remind you of the eyes of the girls in the popular anime/ manga strips, which ironically have Japanese heritage. Japanese ladies’ eyes are almost like a giant white ocean with a glass-like black ball floating in the middle. You could drown in them if you look long enough.
Japanese women have some personality traits which make them unique and attractive. Here are some of these traits:
Japanese girls are sensitive
Japanese girls are on the sensitive side. They are self-aware and pay attention to the littlest things to avoid offending you. As a result of their hyper-sensitivity, they can tell when you are not pleased and when you are unhappy with them, often avoiding anything that may lead to such a situation. If a Japanese lady goes out of her way to offend you, you had it coming.
They are overprotective
When a Japanese girl loves you, she will do anything to protect you. It is how they show affection. These ladies do not want anything to happen to the people they care about and do not mind putting themselves on the line to ensure that the person they like stays safe.
Japanese ladies are straightforward
Women in Japan rarely have time for childish games. They know what they want and will not beat around the bush. These ladies love having mature, nuanced conversations that will impress any man they choose to discuss with for even a short time. Therefore, they often expect the same behavior from their men or love interests.
They can be set in their ways
Japanese ladies are set in their ways when they form an opinion about something or someone. They can have the same idea for ten years and refuse to change it with or without external force. You may never be able to change the mind of a Japanese girl once she forms an unpleasant opinion about you.
Japanese women stereotypes
Here are some of the stereotypes that have followed the women of Japan for the longest time:
Japanese women are childish
There are so many lollipop-licking cartoon-looking Asian girls pictures littered all over the media, and somehow everyone thinks every Japanese woman is just as childish. On the contrary, Women of Japan do not all look like that; they also are anything but silly. That is a stereotype that needs to disappear.
Japanese women are all about sex
Yes, some Japanese women are in the adult entertainment industry, and the manga comic industry is a big deal in Japan. But it is a little weird to assume that every Japanese woman is inclined to sex because of these things. You will be deemed rude and inappropriate if you ask because it is not right to talk about such things openly in Japan.
Japanese women are confrontational
Women of Japan do not like having their opinions and values questioned by anyone, but it does not make them aggressive. Everyone will be okay if no one comes after them for being strongly opinionated.
Japanese women statistics
Here are some statistics about Japanese women:
- Women in Japan make up 51.68% of the entire population.
- Women in Japan make up 44.7% of the active workforce.
- Women in Japan make up 8% of the military.
- Women in Japan make up 10% of the parliament.
What makes them different from other Asian ladies?
Japanese women are not like other women in Japan or the world at large, and here are some of the reasons why:
Japanese women have more transparent skins
Women in Japan, Korea, and China all have porcelain skins, but Japanese women have the best. Even though Korea has the biggest cosmetic industry of the three, Japanese girls are genetically designed to have clearer glass-like skins.
Japanese women have fuller lips
Women in Asia have small lips because their facial features are all small except their eyes. On the other hand, Japanese women have some flesh around their lips, making them more attractive to men who like fuller lips.
Japanese women do not get overweight
In comparison to some women, Japanese women do not get fat. They eat right and stay active, so they do not add weight because their physical appearance matters to them very much, and getting fat does not align with their aesthetics.
Japanese women are not passive
Most Asian women avoid conversations because they do not want to be seen as aggressive. However, Japanese ladies don’t share that trait. Japanese women do not know how to be passive or quiet; however they feel about a thing, they will let you know.

Do Japanese Women Make Good Wives?
Japanese wives are some of the best partners, and here are the reasons:
Japanese women are highly monogamous
Japanese women do not have the energy to look outside their relationships or partnerships. They are eternally committed to them when they are exclusive with someone and would not play around. Japanese women will never cheat on you because they believe they must stay stuck to the person for life when they give their lives to someone.
Japanese wives are romantic
Japanese ladies are hopeless romantics, almost like they have enough romance for two people simultaneously because they do not expect men to be romantics. They will treat you right and show you so much love that you begin to doubt your reality because it feels so good at some point.
Japanese girls can do without bold expressions of love
Japanese wives do not demand love spectacles from their husbands. They will settle if you are kind, caring, and respectful and prove to be responsible. Even though they love and want to love, they are okay without it. It is not a necessity on their scale of preference. So unlike when you want to get a Korean woman, you do not have to fall over yourself trying to be romantic because they are fine without it.
Japanese ladies are respectful
Japanese girls are respectful, and this is more of a Japanese thing than a Japanese woman thing. The Japanese are very respectful people, teaching their children these values from when they are still growing up. So when the women get married, they show their husbands this same respect.
Where to meet Japanese women in Japan
Do you want to travel to Japan to find a wife? It’s a great idea. However, Japan is a big country with over 60 million women, and you cannot just walk around looking for a wife. You need to go to specific city spots to get a good experience while attempting to meet Japanese girls. Here are some of the nicest places in Japan’s loveliest cities.
Osaka is the third-largest city in Japan, with over 2.6 million inhabitants. You can find hot Japanese women at bars, restaurants, and markets. Here are a few places you must visit while searching to bring you closer to the woman who will fit your profile of a Japanese wife.
Bars in Osaka include:
- Kamasutra
- Bar Nayuta
- Moon Tower
Restaurants in Osaka include:
- Hajime
- Yakumido
- Mizuno
Markets in Osaka include:
- Fukumaru Dori
- Kohama Shontegai
- Kuromon Ichiba market
Kyoto is another big city in Japan, once the country’s capital. It is known for its many Buddhist temples and beautiful scenery. When you are done soaking in the city’s beauty and are ready to do the thing you came there for, here are the bars, restaurants, and markets you can visit.
Three cool bars in Kyoto include:
- Ki bar
- Chambers
- Underbar-Kyoto
Three fabulous restaurants in Kyoto include:
- Saihaun Shiraki
- Okonomiyaki Katsu
- Sushi Naritaya
Three excellent markets in Kyoto include:
- Nishiki Market
- Kobo-san flea market
- Tenjin-san flea market
If you decide to tour Saitama, you have made a great decision because there are so many sights. However, you can check the views later when you have met the Japanese woman of your dreams in a bar, restaurant, or market. Here are some of the best ones.
Bars in Saitama include:
- Ash Saitama
- The public entrance Omiya east entrance
- Cavitena
Restaurants in Saitama include:
- Asha
- Kao Man Gai Kitchen
- Tokiwatei Omiya
Markets in Saitama include:
- Ichiba
- Aggreesh Hidaka Chuo
- Kencho Asaichi

Where To Meet Japanese Girls Online
Going to Japan is excellent, but we cannot guarantee that you will find the Japanese girl you like in Japan. Your best bet for meeting Japanese girls in a way that saves time and resources is searching for them online.
If you want a more streamlined approach, you will find Japanese mail-order brides’ platforms very beneficial. When you pay for a premium package on these platforms, you can meet Japanese women at a fraction of the cost of going to their country. This service saves you time and energy and is a far better investment.
How To Impress A Japanese Girl
Before you start dating a Japanese girl, you must first impress her, and there are ways you can go about that to ensure that you get her to want to date you. Here are some tips that can help:
Be respectful
The Japanese people can let anything slide but disrespect. They demand respect as much as they give it and give it a lot. If a Japanese woman gets a hint of disrespect from you, you never get past the talking stage with her. Be polite, and do not treat her or anyone else around you like they are beneath you, regardless of your social status.
Be honorable
After respect, honor is something the Japanese people take very seriously. You must never come across as a man without honor, even by implication. Japanese women do not date for fun; they date to marry. They cannot take you to their family if you are without honor. When dating Japanese women, you need to watch what you say and what stories you tell. They are listening to you, and if they find a speck of dishonor in you, they will not give you a second chance.
Learn the language
You don’t need anime-level fluency of the Japanese language overnight, but you must learn basic words to improve your communication. See the experience as a learning curve; you are allowed to make mistakes. If your Japanese girlfriend notices your willingness to learn, she will gladly help you while offering a trade for you to teach her English in return.
Know how to eat Sushi
Sushi is a big deal for Japanese people, and if you have to practice with chopsticks repeatedly until you learn how to use them, then do so. When you and a Japanese woman go on a Sushi date, please don’t use a fork. She’d feel better helping you learn how to use the chopsticks than watching you eat Sushi with a fork.
Dating A Japanese Woman: 3 Tips
Dating Japanese girls is easy, to an extent. However, there are a few tips that can help improve your dating experience, and here are four of them:
Be ready for conversations
Women in Japan do not shy away from conversations, and they will not be with a man who cannot hold a discussion. When dating a Japanese woman, be open to conversing with her as often as possible. She constantly wants to talk about different topics across different platforms and needs you to be as interested as she is in having them. If you always give a lackadaisical attitude towards profound conversations, she will consider a relationship with you a waste of time, and she won’t continue with you.
Compliment her often
Japanese women are not used to compliments because Japanese men are stoic rocks most of the time. If she is going to date a foreigner, something must be different. Compliment her outfit, hair, makeup, skin, and looks. Japanese women are pretty vain and already know all these things about themselves, but they still want to hear it, so oblige them.
Put her first
Do not treat Japanese women like they are second-class citizens. Respect her, honor her, and put her needs before yours. The more respect and love you show her, the more she gives you. She does not expect these things from a man; when she gets them, she tends to double it in reciprocation.

What To Avoid When Dating A Japanese Woman
Here are three things you must avoid when dating a Japanese woman:
Japanese people have a culture of punctuality; it is a mark of respect for the person you will meet. If you show up late to dates, she will not take you to her family because she feels you will disrespect them and her by coming late.
Being in touch with your feminine side
These days, the west keeps romanticizing men who are ‘in touch with their feminine side.’ However, in Japan, these men are seen as sick, irresponsible, and, in many cases, effeminate. If you want a Japanese woman to like you, seek the manliest side of you and portray that. In the eyes of the Japanese woman, men still go to war and are strong, reliable soldiers. Do not present a different image to her.
Being unable to make straight decisions
Japanese women do not like men who never have straight answers to questions. Ifs, buts, and maybes do not exist in the Japanese woman’s vocabulary, so she doesn’t expect them to exist in yours. If you keep using these terms to answer questions that need straight answers, she will assume you are incapable of making decisions, which is just not manly.
Marrying A Japanese Woman: 3 Customs
During your marriage to a Japanese woman, a few things about her culture may seem weird to you. To ensure that you do not stand wondering what is happening, here are three customs you will encounter during the ceremony.
The bouquet presentation
At the end of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have to present a large bouquet called a hantaba to thank them for taking care of them until this point. It is supposedly an emotional event followed by the bride reading a letter she has written for her parents. Do not be surprised if you see people crying as this happens; that is how these things work.
The family, friends and other guests who attend the wedding must present crisp new bills in an envelope for the couple. They believe a couple should start their new life with money and that the money has to be new bills.
The couple will hand out small gift items to the guests when they leave the ceremony; these gifts are called Hikidemono. In the west, this is called a souvenir, and it can range from spa items to tea options. Usually, the Hikidemono is 10% of the Goshugi.
How to know if a Japanese girl likes you?
Japanese women are evident with their wants and needs. If she likes you, she will tell you in clear terms and tell you how she wants the relationship to proceed. They do not date for fun; they date to get married, so once you start hearing about meeting the family, you know she likes you already.
Are Japanese women good in bed?
Japanese women are as good at sex as you want them to be. The better you teach, the faster they will understand how to give you the sexual pleasure you desire. They have a few tricks up their sleeves, but ultimately, they will need to learn to please you and then the ball rolls into your court.
What are the gender roles in Japan?
Japan is a little more liberal than some of the other Asian countries. The women in the country are okay with this; they have no issues deferring to the men. However, men are still in authority in all the essential aspects of society.
What is the birthrate in Japan?
The birth rate in Japan is at an all-time low and constantly declining. There is an average of 1.34 births per woman, and this is because they have a low fertility rate which has been getting worse in the last decade.
Are Japanese women religious?
There is a high chance that you will marry a religious woman. In Japan, 69.0% practice Shinto, 66.7% practice Buddhism and the rest are divided into more minor religions and agnosticism. Your wife may stick to her belief after marriage.
Are Japanese women materialistic?
Women of Japan place hard work above material possessions and may not consider you worthy if all you bring to the table are material things. They are more interested in the businesses you run and their success.

Yi Min Yao is a renowned dating coach and author who has helped men and women from all walks of life find love and happiness. With his insightful and practical advice, Yi Min Yao focuses on building self-confidence, developing healthy communication skills, and creating meaningful connections that last a lifetime.