Pakistan is one country that has had its fair share of military coups and independence. Yet, despite all these, the nation still thrives as it’s one of the core Muslim countries in the world.
Pakistan is home to fantastic fair ladies who can catch any man’s attention. Little wonder many men in the families compel their women to wear hijabs to protect their purity and shield them from the stares of other men.
Need to know more about these ladies? Keep reading to get more insight into amazing Pakistani women.
What Are Pakistani Women Like?
Pakistan is a country with amazing women who can captivate any man around the globe. Here are some of their most unique traits and personalities that stand out

The physical features that make Pakistani women stand out lie primarily in their faces. Many Pakistani women share the breathtaking beauty of their counterparts in India. These ladies have tanned skin complexion, voluptuous figures, and long, rich hair.
Beautiful Pakistani ladies can enchant men with only their looks, even when they are clothed from head to toe. Their large, captivating dark almond-shaped eyes will hold your attention immediately. Pakistani girls are required by law to wear hijab at all times. Unlike Western women that can parade in shorts, these women of Pakistan have to wear burqas.
The distinct personality traits of Pakistani ladies are:
- Their respect for cultural norms
The women of Pakistan respect their cultural norms by dressing in a manner that discourages males from initiating sexual relations with them. Many Pakistani women will not be seen in public without their burqas and consciously try to uphold their customs, traditions, and religious doctrines. Even if the law does not adequately protect them, they prefer to follow it down to the letter.
- They are submissive and faithful
Many Pakistani women are submissive and obedient due to their culture and society. The culture of Pakistan ensures that females learn to respect and obey males from a young age. Though some women abandon such indoctrination and live on their terms, many still subject themselves to such ideologies. Therefore, a Pakistani girl will be the perfect match if you need a faithful woman.
- Pakistani girls are funny
Pakistani girls are the type who are lighthearted and always find humor in the world around them. They also make those around them happy and believe in seeing the world positively. Despite these girls’ harsh conditions, they still find ways to make themselves comfortable.
Pakistani Women Stereotypes
Over the years, there have been certain stereotypes about Pakistani women. But how accurate are these statements? Keep reading to know more:
- Pakistani women don’t have dreams and aspirations
People usually think Pakistani women don’t have lofty professional goals, unlike those in the West. However, that thought process is only partially accurate. Even though some Pakistani girls are comfortable with their current patriarchal society, others, like Ayesha Malik, have excelled in their careers.
- If Pakistani ladies marry outside their culture, their parents reject them
Most foreigners expect parents of Pakistani women to spontaneously become incandescent when their daughters marry someone from a different faith and tradition. Although there is some extremism in their society, like many others, Pakistani families now embrace foreign partners of their daughters and even bless the marriage unions.
- All Pakistani girls are virgins
Even if “no dating” is the law, there are undoubtedly shady methods to get past it. Although relationships and sex are not topics many people talk about, single people still find their way around and engage in sexual relationships.
Statistics You Should Know About Pakistani Women
- As of 2021, women make up 49.5% of Pakistan’s population.
- Most girls in Pakistan get married at the legal age of 16.
- On the Women, Peace, and Security index developed by the Georgetown Institute, Pakistan rated 164 out of 167 countries regarding gender-based violence in 2022.
- In terms of domestic violence, Pakistan ranks fifth.
- The nation ranks sixth on the list of places where women are in danger.
- In 2021, women made up only 20.65% of the Pakistani workforce.
- In 2021, women occupied only 20.18% of parliamentarian positions.
- In 2019, the literacy rate for Pakistani women was approximately 46%, compared to that of men at 69%.
- As of 2020, the fertility rate in Pakistan was at 3.6 births per woman.
- Pakistan has a gender pay gap of a whopping 34%.
What Makes Them Different from Other Asian Women?
Pakistani women have learned to thrive in the face of danger. In Pakistan, males hold most positions of power, and women are basically second-class citizens. In Pakistan, gender roles play a significant role in shaping society. The social worth of a person’s gender relies on patriarchal beliefs ingrained in local customs, religion, and culture.
In their society, even the most well-educated people have discriminatory beliefs; all it takes is some in-depth questioning and some straight conversation to uncover the bigotry that lurks under the surface. For example, women are stereotyped as adept at housework and pleasing men while being sexual objects.

Do Pakistani Women Make Good Wives?
Yes, Pakistani ladies make excellent wives. Here are some facts to back up that claim:
- Pakistani wives are homely
Regarding taking care of the home and raising children, Pakistani wives have a stellar reputation. They are experts in caring for the home, bringing up kids, and preparing delicious meals like samosa, gol gappa, lobia ka salan, and more.
- These women can multitask
Pakistani spouses are among the greatest in the world, as they are excellent multitaskers. If you meet a traditional Pakistani woman, you’ll have a lady who succumbs to your every need. However, with more modern Pakistani women, these ladies are willing to challenge the gender norms and become careerwomen who prioritize their self-development while still caring for the family.
- Pakistani women are kind
A Pakistani wife will enjoy doing excellent deeds and lending a helping hand to others. These women understand what it means to be helpless and will do anything to lend a helping hand to others in need. They handle situations calmly and have no problems offering their help to strangers. If you’re a foreigner in Pakistan, know that you cannot get lost as they’re always willing to give directions and serve as informal local guides.
Where to meet Pakistani Women in Pakistan?
One of the places foreigners go to meet Pakistani girls is Pakistan itself. You can visit restaurants, malls, and temples to communicate with these lovely women in a safe and public environment. However, given the nature of its society, it can prove challenging to meet a Pakistani woman randomly as they might find it offensive.
Restaurants are places where amazing Pakistani women eat and enjoy delicious local and foreign dishes. Check out the restaurants in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi.
In Islamabad, you can check out the restaurants like:
- The Monal
- Khoka Khola
- Kabul Restaurant
Lahore has excellent restaurants like:
- Andaaz Restaurant
- Haveli Restaurant
- Butt Karahi Tikka
Check out the following places in Karachi to eat mouthwatering cuisines while meeting Pakistani women.
- Kolachi Restaurant
- LalQila Restaurant Karachi
- Angeethi
Pakistani malls are some of the best where these women shop for their daily necessities. You can find great malls in cities like Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Multan.
As the capital of Pakistan, it’s no surprise Islamabad has excellent malls like:
- The Centaurus Mall
- Giga Mall
- Safa Gold Mall
Check out the malls in Faisalabad like:
- Lyallpur Galleria
- The Edge Mall
- The Grand Atrium Shopping Mall
In Multan, visit:
- Mall of Central Square
- Mall of Multan
- Citi Mall
Temples are some of the Holiest places in Pakistan and should be respected. Visit the temples in Karachi, Quetta, and Mithi.
See the excellent Karachi malls in:
- Radha Gokul Anand Temple
- Varun Dev Temple
- Shri Laxmi Narayan Temple
Visit Quetta for excellent malls like:
- Bhagat Chuharmal Mandir Bhagnari
- Quetta Krishna Temple
- St john Vianney church
Mithi has great malls like:
- Shri Krishna Temple
- Ramapir Mandir
- Sri Hanuman Mandir

Where to Meet Pakistani Women Online?
According to the UK government, Pakistan is a highly volatile country with much unrest. Extremists will almost certainly attempt terrorist acts in Pakistan, such as terrorism, kidnapping, and sectarian violence. As a result, many experts advise men looking for love to try online dating instead.
But what online websites are credible?
With time, Pakistani mail-order bride services have proven to be effective n helping singles find their Pakistani lovers. With a Pakistani mail order platform, you must register, fill in the specification of the kind of Pakistani woman you want, and let the algorithm work its magic. It’s a sure way of getting Pakistani girls you would otherwise not have access to while putting in minimal effort.
How to Impress a Pakistani Girl
Pakistani women have endured years of oppression, so it’s always essential for you to prove that you are not like the men from Pakistan. To achieve that feat, here are some valuable tips on how to impress a Pakistani lady and win her heart.
- Respect her personal space
Pakistani women are treated like second-class citizens in their own country as society continuously infringes on their rights as a woman. Prove that you’re different from the lot by allowing her to have her own space. Know boundaries, and don’t try to impose yourself on her.
- Be polite
Simple gestures like greetings, please, sorry, thank you, and excuse me can go a long way in impressing Pakistani girls. Of course, since they’re from a patriarchal society, it may initially seem foreign. However, continuously doing these little things will bring a smile to your Pakistani girl’s face, and she’ll consider herself lucky to know a gentleman like you.
- Dress decently
Always make a conscious effort to dress decently at all times. For example, wear trousers instead of shorts, and remember that good personal hygiene is a significant turn-on.
How to Date a Pakistani Girl: 4 Tips
Pakistani women are delicate, so you must know the best ways to date them. Your overall goal should always be to make them happy and also give them that feeling of independence. Here are four salient tips on dating Pakistani women and making them happy.
- Show your financial prowess
Pakistani women highly value men who can provide for their families and keep their women safe. You may marry your Pakistani sweetheart if you make enough money to support her and your future kids. This point doesn’t make Pakistani girls gold diggers; it only shows that they are calculative and prefer the assurance of financial stability.
- Give your Pakistani sweetheart gifts
When dating a Pakistani woman, know that giving her extravagant presents is a sure way to win her heart. So be spontaneous with the presents by giving her roses, cooking, and even taking her on vacations. These ladies like chivalrous males and will gladly accept your gifts.
- Honor her family
Always respect the family members of your Pakistani woman, as they hold the key to your relationship. Be polite with them, share in the family’s pastimes, and tell them your plans for their daughter. These girls place a premium on receiving their parents’ blessing, so you have to earn their trust.
- Be Civil
When dating a Pakistani girl, always be civil in your interactions with her. Don’t try to touch any part of her body, or else she may perceive that you’re with her only for sex. When complimenting her, don’t focus on the superficial. Instead, talk about her as a whole, and be kind to her.
Things to Avoid When Dating a Pakistani Girl
When dating Pakistani girls, there are some things you should avoid. They are:
- Never brag about the number of women at your disposal
Even though you are a foreigner, it doesn’t mean you have the right to brag like you’re doing Pakistani women a favor by being with them. If you keep talking about your legion of women willing to do anything for you, your Pakistani woman will think you just want to add her to your trophies.
- Don’t use swear words
Don’t cuss at her or anybody else in front of her, even playfully. The use of profanity is immediately off-putting. These women pride themselves in being morally upright and will not stand by while someone is insulted.
- Avoid discussions about/ around sex on a first meeting
Pakistan is a country with highly religious women, so they can find it immoral if you bring up the issue of sex. Instead, let her take the lead on such conversations while you follow carefully.
Marrying a Pakistani Woman: 4 Wedding Customs You Should Know
Congratulations on our marriage with your prospective Pakistani wife. Before you tie the knot, here are four wedding customs you should know:
- The marriage proposal
Every marriage in Pakistan begins with a proposal to seek the Pakistani girl’s hand in marriage. First, the prospective groom’s mother would visit the prospective bride’s family with a gift of sweets and formally ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage. Once the bride’s family has given their blessing, the groom’s family will start making arrangements for the wedding.
- The Dholki tradition
The dholki is a pre-wedding party for the bride and groom’s immediate family and friends that takes place in Pakistan a few days before the actual wedding festivities begin. The dholki is a celebration for the couple’s close relatives and friends. The bride and groom often host their Dholki festivities at their respective homes.
- Mayun wedding custom
Mayun is a ceremony held a few days before the wedding, during which the bride’s female relatives and friends conduct a series of rites around her. The ceremony symbolizes the bride’s preparation for her wedding day and amplifies her attractiveness on her special day. The relatives oil the bride’s hair and pamper her immensely.
- Mehndi tradition
The vibrant and entertaining mehndi designs used at Pakistani weddings are well-known all over the globe. The bridesmaids spend weeks practicing dances while using henna to make gorgeous mehndi patterns on the bride’s hand.
- The wedding ceremony
At a Pakistani wedding, the bride and groom will sign a formal marriage contract known as the nikkah. The most popular kind of nikkah is performed in a mosque and attended only by the closest friends of the bride and groom. In addition, two witnesses from each side must be present at the nikkah ritual.
How to know if a Pakistani Girl Likes You?
Pakistani girls can find it challenging to express themselves when they like a guy, so there are some subtle signs you must watch out for. If she keeps interrogating you about details regarding your personal life, like your marital status and the kind of woman you like, know that she likes you. Sometimes, she can even get jealous when you hang out with another girl. .other times, she can call you to know about your whereabouts and get angry when you do not give her any advance notice. One thing with these women is that they care when they fall in love with you and become more affectionate.
Are Pakistani women worth it?
The traditions and culture of Pakistan culture have endowed Pakistani women with an endearing warmth for everyone they come across. They care deeply for their loved ones without discrimination of gender, race, or religion. Wherever you’re from, you should know that Pakistani women make fantastic spouses and doting mothers.
Are Pakistani Women Good in Bed?
Considerable variation exists throughout cultures, religions, and societal norms regarding how Pakistani women are raised and treated. Many Pakistani girls, especially those from more certain backgrounds, struggle to articulate their sex needs to their husbands because of cultural norms that teach them to play second fiddle in the bedroom. In contrast, some modern Pakistani women are sexually free as they explore their sexuality outside societal standards.
What are the gender roles in Pakistan?
Regarding social roles, patriarchal principles play a significant role in Pakistani culture. More precisely, a woman’s place is in the house as a wife and mother, while a man is outside the home as the breadwinner. There is a mental wall between the roles of males and women. Modern Pakistani women are beginning to break out of that gender stereotype and do more as career women who prioritize their self-development.
Are Pakistani Women Religious?
Yes, Pakistani women are religious. Almost every neighborhood in Pakistan has at least one mosque, and you can hear the five daily calls to prayer across the country’s major cities. But, it doesn’t mean that your Pakistani wife will try to impose her culture on you, though. You are free to have your faith while she abides by hers.
Are Pakistani Girls friendly to foreigners?
Yes, they are. Women wish to be liberated from Pakistan’s compulsory hijab and fully appreciate the rights to which they are entitled. These women are accommodating to foreigners as they often fantasize about meeting a foreign man. They often see the prospect of marrying a foreign man as a way to relocate and leave their society behind.
Do Pakistani girls speak English?
Although English is not a commonly spoken first language in Pakistan, it’s essential in many fields like business and academia. Therefore, the locals in tourist cities like Lahore and Islamabad can speak English too. However, you can find one or two Pakistanis who have problems speaking English. As a better alternative, meet Pakistani women through mail-order bride websites where you can be sure that these women communicate in English.
What is Fertility Rate in Pakistan?
As of 2020, the fertility rate in Pakistan was at 3.6 births per woman. These women have no problems giving birth to at least three children and prioritize their welfare. As a result, they are frequently on the quest for financially stable men who can provide them with better living standards.

Peng P’an is a dating coach and author who has helped both men and women improve their dating skills and find meaningful connections. With her unique approach, Peng focuses on creating strong emotional connections by building trust and understanding between partners.