Syria is a country constantly in the news for various reasons. While many of those reasons aren’t the best, the country’s redeeming factor is its women. The beautiful Syrian women looking for foreign men to marry are becoming more famous online, and this article has tips for men looking to match with these ladies online and possibly wife them.
What Are Syrian Women Like?
Syrian ladies have specific traits that have aided their recent rise to online prominence. We have divided this section into their physical appearances and innate characteristics and behaviors. Understanding these Syrian women in both contexts will help you decide if these ladies are ideal for you.

Syrian women are pleasing to look at, even if they do not know it. Some may even claim their naivety makes them more attractive. Let’s look at some physical features which make them more interesting to look at:
Beautiful, black hair
Women in Syria often look like they dipped their hair in natural oils whenever they let their veil down, and you see the hair. Their hair is beautiful and natural, and its straightness is quickly becoming the yardstick for many ladies’ hair extension preferences. Unfortunately, their day-to-day dressing often hides their hair from the public, so not many have had the privilege to admire them.
Beautiful faces
Syrian women have big eyes, but they are shaped ever so nicely, captivating you with every blink. Their eyes are often perfectly spaced, not too wide apart or close together, giving their classic Arabian noses enough room to be noticed. Syrian ladies don’t have full lips, but that doesn’t detract from their beauty because their thin lips are smooth and pink.
Perfectly arched brows
What people pay over $200 to aestheticians to fix for them, Syrian women have without the work. These women’s brows are full and arched to perfection, giving their already beautiful eyes more beauty.
Sexy curves
Syrian women are often covered with flowing garments, so you cannot see their curves. As it is a Muslim country, the women have to layer up and wear oversized clothes to remain ‘modest.’ But rest assured that these curves exist and will drive a man crazy if he is ever privileged to see them.
The personality traits of the women in Syria split opinions. Some men love them, while others would prefer alternatives. We’ve listed the main ones so you can decide if these traits are your cup of tea or not.
They are quite timid
Syrian women cannot keep their heads up when they talk to strangers, especially foreign men. They look away and occasionally mumble their words because they do not know what to say or how to behave when they meet foreign men. They are this way because of the system in their society.
Syrian girls are kind
Even though they keep their distance from people whose intentions are unclear, Syrian women still show kindness to strangers whenever possible. If you need something from them, they will go the extra mile to ensure you get it. Even foreign soldiers in their uniforms on missions in the country have affirmed this claim.
They are hard-working
The women in Syria work hard to ensure their kids have something or to support the family because the economy is in the pits. Whatever menial job they can find to support their families, they do not mind taking it on as long as it ensures that food is on the table and that they can take care of themselves.
They are unassertive
Syrian women are not assertive; they keep their thoughts bottled. In most cases, these ladies will let the men make all the decisions. The women in Syria will rather keep quiet and let things slide, regardless of how they feel about it. Sometimes, this behavior may create long-term chasms in relationships, depending on the kind of man they are with.
Syrian women stereotypes
There are different stereotypes about women in Syria, and here are some of them:
Syrian women only want to marry foreign men
This stereotype is not false, as women in Syria need to get out of Syria as soon as possible because staying there have economic and life-threatening effects on them. So they hope that foreign men pick and marry them so that they no longer have to deal with the horrors of living in Syria.
Syrian women love money
Syrian women do not love money, they need money because of the situations they find themselves in, and anyone who wants to marry them must understand that. Being money-oriented is different from being stuck in a situation where money is your only savior. Syrian women belong to the latter group.
Syrian women statistics
Here are some statistics concerning women in Syria:
- Men are more than women in Syria; women make up 49.9% of the population.
- The Syrian labor force consists of only 16.% of women.
- The percentage of women in Syria who get married before the age of 18 is 13%.
- The Syrian parliament has only 11.2% of women.
What makes them different from other Middle Eastern women?
Why are Syrian women different from other women in the Middle East? Here are a few reasons why:
Syrian wives are not confrontational
Syrian women have seen more than enough aggression worldwide and have been the recipient of just as much. As a result, these ladies see no need to start an argument as they are convinced they will lose. This trait contrasts with some internationalized Middle Eastern ladies who have begun speaking up against the ills they face back home.
They are surprisingly cheery
You would not expect a delighted woman from the Middle East, but Syrian ladies cut a very cheerful figure. Irrespective of their country’s harsh environment and political landscape, Syrian women find a way to see things from a positive point of view. They carry on with cheerfulness and happiness, hoping every day gets better than the last.

Do Syrian Women Make Good Wives?
Syrian wives are the best for men who want a fulfilling marriage that meets all their expectations. Here are a few reasons why any man who wants a foreign wife should go for a Syrian wife:
They have high morals
One of the major reasons men go to the middle east to seek wives is that they want women who still have their morals right and stick to their values regardless of what society they find themselves in. Syrian women are the kinds of women who will instill these same morals in their kids.
They love the traditional household
Even though Syrian women are hard-working and do not mind getting their hands in the grime to provide for their families, they want a traditional life. Syrian women want to stay home and raise their children in a safe environment while their husbands work to provide for the home.
They hold ‘family’ in high esteem
Syrian women would die for their families if it came to it; their families come first, no matter the situation. In marriage, they would always stand behind their husbands and children, fighting for them and loving them to the death.
Where To Meet Syrian Women In Syria
Syria is not the best country to travel to, so if you must visit Syria to seek your wife, you must do it fast and leave with her immediately. There are certain places in the country where it will be safe for you to search for your wife and spots that could make your search easy; here are they:
Everyone goes to restaurants to eat now and then, and you may meet Syrian girls at the restaurants in Syria. Here are some of the best ones:
Restaurants in Damascus include:
- Naranj
- Nostra casa
- Jimmie cone
Restaurants in Hama include:
- Ebn Elaam pizza
- Vally cafe
- Kokuya
Restaurants in Homs include:
- Homs paradise
- Bagdad cafe
- Beit Jedi
Markets are your best bet to meet the Syrian lady of your dreams because women always go to the markets to get food and other items for the home. Here are some of the markets in big cities in Syria:
Here are some of the markets in Damascus:
- Takkiya Suleimainah Souq
- Souq al Bizzuriyah
Here are some of the markets in Hama:
- Fruit market Hama
- Albasha center
- Boras
Here are some of the markets in Homs:
- Abad Alrhman
- Jorah Al Shaiah
- Karm shamsham
Parks are not popular places to meet Syrian women. You may not find them in the parks because of restrictions on their movements. However, here are some of the parks in the big cities of Syria where you may meet a woman or two:
Some parks in Damascus include:
- Tishreen park
- Badr’s park
- The Barada river
Some parks in Hama include:
- Um Al Hassan Park
- Norias park
- Qasr Ibn Wardan
Some of the parks in Homs include:
- Dablan park
- Al Zahar park
- The tetrapylon

Where To Meet Syrian Women Online
Going to Syria to meet Syrian women is and will always remain a bad idea for as long as the country remains the way it is. The only reason you should be visiting Syria is if you are a politician, journalist, NGO, or member of the UN peacekeeping corps. You can realistically only meet Syrian girls online using a Syrian mail-order brides’ platform. All you have to do is sign up to use the premium features of the Syrian mail-order brides’ sites. You will meet many beautiful Syrian women of different ages and classes, ready to marry a foreign man and leave the country with him.
How To Impress A Syrian Girl
Dating a Syrian girl is challenging because of the hurdles you must cross before getting her to date you. You have to impress her enough to get her to talk to you, and here are ways you can do that:
Look harmless
It might sound weird, but Syrian women do not have the time to start thinking of all the possible ways you could be harmless if you do not look the part. They usually have a few seconds to bolt when in danger, and they cannot spend that short time trying to figure out if they are dangerous.
Be kind
Be kind to them, someone they care about, or someone around them. Women in Syria have seen so much wickedness in the world, and when they can see some kindness, it makes them happy that there is some good left in the world. Your compassion will be endearing. Syrian women may not date a man because they love him, but they will marry a man because he is kind.
Compliment her eyes and voice
Syrian women are covered up most of the time because of the laws there; however, try to compliment the parts of them you can see and hear so that they know that you ‘see’ them. Tell them their eyes are beautiful and that their voice sounds like music to your ears. Go poetic if you want to, but ensure that you make them feel good with your words.
Dating a Syrian Girl: 4 Tips
Here are four tips that can help you when dating a Syrian girl
Show her respect
Syrian women are so used to being disrespected that respect shocks them when they experience it. For a minute, they might not understand the gesture even when it comes to them. When dating Syrian girls, respect them.
Offer her protection
A Syrian woman is afraid of so many things, and she wakes up daily, dwelling in this fear, knowing that her life might be cut short. When you offer her protection, you take away her life’s biggest worry. When dating Syrian women, telling them, ‘I will protect you, relieves them of a lifetime of anxiety and fear.
Give her money
Yes, that sounds a little materialistic, but your Syrian girlfriend is probably poor and working dangerous jobs to take care of her family. Take some of that stress away by giving her money if you can afford to. It will mean a lot to her if you do it.

What To Avoid When Dating Syrian Women
Here are a few things you need to avoid if you want your relationship with a Syrian woman to last long enough for the both of you to get married:
Raising your voice at them
No one should be yelling at their partner, but this advice is pertinent for those dating Syrian girls. If you ever feel the urge to yell at your Syrian girl, remember that all she hears in Syria is screaming. The rebels and soldiers bark orders and yell all around them. So, avoid being the one to trigger that trauma by raising your voice at her.
Being physically affectionate in public
The cultural practices in Syria forbid you from publicly showing affection to your partner because it could mean trouble for the woman involved. As a foreigner and a man, you may be able to get away without it, but a woman would suffer greatly for it. If you keep trying to touch or be affectionate towards her in public, she will assume you do not like her and stay away from you.
Insulting them
Whether as a joke or not, when dating a Syrian woman, you should never insult her. Your words should always be laced with love and respect, regardless of how you feel. Never let her feel useless or worthless, as it can make you repulsive in her mind.
Making them feel like you own them
We have said that Syrian women need money, but it does not mean you have to show them that you own them because of the money you have. You have to find a balance between giving them money and letting them have some freedom.
Marrying A Syrian Woman
Before you marry a Syrian woman, here are some wedding cultures you must learn about so that you are not caught unawares on your wedding day:
The first visit
The groom’s mothers, aunts, and family members first go to visit the bride’s family. The goal of this meeting is for both families to get to know themselves better, and it is divided into two sessions. In the first session, the entire conversation is about the bride, her education, and her eligibility for the groom. Both families have one chance to make a good first impression because, in Syria, you do not get a second one.
At the end of this session, both families have to come together and decide that she is good for him, and they agree with the wedding. The second session happens with just the men, and more serious matters are discussed here, like the dowry the groom is bringing. The second part of the meeting is susceptible, and if they do not get it right, people may raise objections, and it may cause the wedding to be canceled.
The henna day
On the henna day, the bride sits at home, and her friends come to visit her and then draw henna on her hand. It is usually a big, happy event where they wish her luck and congratulates her wedding. This event can last the whole day, and the bride comes out when the henna ceremony has finished.
The midnight exchange
After the wedding, the bride’s family and the bride sit at home waiting for the clock to strike 12. Once this happens, the groom comes to the house and takes his bride away.
Usually, a procession of cars follows the groom to the bride’s home, and when they get there, they get the bride. However, when the wedding is happening in a small Syrian town, there will not need any cars.
How to know if an Iranian girl likes you?
Syrian women will want to marry you immediately if they find out that they like you. Since they want to be with you, courtship will be short, if even existent, due to the laws against contact between unmarried members of the opposite gender. They cannot date you, so they will take you to their families and introduce you to them so that you can start the marriage rites.
Are Iranian women good in bed?
Syrian women know nothing about sex until marriage. However, this should not discourage you because they are fast learners as long as you are willing to teach them. They are also eager to please, so they will spend time trying to look for all the ways they can please you in bed. Part of this is from the fear that you may send them back home if they fail to do this.
What is the birthrate in Iran?
Syria used to have a high birth rate. Still, recently, it has dropped to 20 births per 1000 of the country’s occupants. The realities of having a healthy child in Syria are pretty bleak, and women do not want to have kids in a war-torn country, so they are fighting it by refusing to procreate.
Are Syrian women religious?
Syria has a religious divide of 85% Muslims with the remaining part divided into different religions. The chances that you will marry a Muslim woman from Syria are high. However, because of the oppression they have gotten from the faith, they may be open to leaving it all behind.
Are Syrian women violent?
Syrian women are anything but violent. They have seen where violence leads and how it affects people, so they have decided to give peace a chance, regardless of the odds against them. So if you are interested in a peaceful marriage above all else, these women are your ideal brides.
Are Syrian girls friendly to foreigners?
Syrian women have preconceived notions about foreigners, but it does not make them hostile toward them. They try to be friendly and hospitable to strangers, and they do this in hopes that the strangers do not harm them.
Will a Syrian woman cheat on you?
Women in Syria do not cheat on their husbands because their religion and morals would not allow them to do something they consider immoral and unclean as cheating. So your Syrian wife will not be unfaithful to you.
Are Syrian girls promiscuous?
Women of Syria do not know enough about sex to be promiscuous. They are also timid when men are involved, thus staying away from males unless they are sure they want to marry them. Even when women in Syria are confident of the marriage, they remain reserved until the marriage rites are complete.

Xiong Hao is a relationship expert and author who has helped thousands of people improve their love lives through her innovative and effective dating strategies. His approach is based on building strong connections through mutual respect, honesty, and vulnerability.